Laconia Little League (LLL) is a program of service to our local youth. It is geared to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participation. The movement is dedicated to helping children become good and decent citizens. It inspires them with a goal and enriches their lives. It establishes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.
The LLL Board of Directors shall be governed by the Constitution of the League on record in Williamsport, PA. LLL operating rules and bylaws in this document shall be approved annually by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Following adoption of these rules by the LLL Board, they may only be changed upon concurring vote of the majority of the Board.
LLL is a chartered component of Little League International. The LLL operating rules are constructed in a manner intended to conform to the operating regulations and playing rules of Little League Baseball. Wherever these rules stand silent, the regulations and playing rules of Little League Baseball shall be followed.
Laconia Little League is governed by a Board of Directors.
Board meetings are held monthly, generally the 2nd Monday of the month. Meetings are held generally at the Laconia Community Center.
The public is welcome to attend meetings and are able to make comments at the opening portion of the meeting.
Meeting dates and locations can change based on availability.
LLL is able to operate using registration funds, fundraising initiatives, sponsorships, and various monies donated explicitly to the league. Operating expenses and budgets are generally determined at the start of the new Board which begins at a meeting held in November each year.
Items over $300 require a majority vote from the board. Discretionary spending up to $300 is authorized by the President and Vice President of the league.
LLL Treasurer maintains records of all spending. As LLL is a 501(c)3 organization, the Treasurer is required to complete all documentation necessary to maintain non-profit status.
Board member positions are held for a duration of one year. All positions are up for vote annually at the October board meeting.
For formal descriptions of all board positions, see Laconia Little League Constitution.
BASEBALL T-BALL DIVISION is a co-ed minor league program available for all 5 and 6 year old players who have not completed one season of T-Ball. The T-Ball Division players hit off a batting tee and are instructed in the fundamentals of the game. This division is intended for players new to the game. Players will be assigned to teams by the league’s Player Agent or managers will select via an informal draft; therefore, tryouts are not required.
BASEBALL INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION is a minor league program for 6- and 7-year-old players intended for those with at least one season’s T-BALL experience. This program operates as a Coach Pitch instructional league. Players should be able to throw and catch relatively well and understand the fundamentals of the game. Players will be assigned to teams by the league’s Player Agent or managers will select via an informal draft; therefore, tryouts are not required.
BASEBALL “MINORS” DIVISION is a minor league program for 8 to 11 year old players. This program operates as a Player Pitch instructional league. Players should be able to catch and throw the ball with consistency and who have a basic understanding of the rules of the game. Players will attend tryouts and teams will be drafted according to Little League rules.
BASEBALL “MAJORS” DIVISION are programs for 9 to 12 year-old players. This program operates as a competitive division using Little League rules. Players will attend tryouts and teams will be drafted according to Little League rules.
All managers, coaches, board members and any other persons who have contact with players or teams must complete an official “Little League Volunteer Application” and satisfactorily complete a background check.
All individuals interested in managing or coaching a team must apply during registration. Managers
/ coaches are presented by the league President and approved by the Board of Directors. Final approval of all managers and coaches will be subject to a background check.
Managers and coaches are approved each year for the current season only. There are no guarantees that a manager or coach who serves one year will be appointed to serve the next year/season.
To avoid conflict of interest and per LLL Constitution Article III, Section 3, Members of LLL shall not be actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball/softball program.
The most important responsibility of a manager or coach is the safety and welfare of our players. Our managers and coaches will be held to the highest possible standards when dealing with our players, families, umpires and the Board of Directors. Team managers and coaches are responsible for the following duties:

Performance and conduct of the team and its spectators at all team functions

Knowledge of all the rules developed by Little League and the LLL Board. Attendance at all required manager/coach meetings, inclusive of safety clinic, coaching clinic, annual board meetings and any other mandatory meeting as notified by the LLL Board

Provide a team parent responsible for coordinating team activities

Assume responsibility for obtaining and returning all equipment

Inspect the fields prior to the game and make necessary repairs

Provide a scorekeeper/scoreboard volunteer at each home game

Provide a pitch count volunteer at each visitor game

Line the field/batter’s box at each home team
Managers and coaches are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their team and fans. The Laconia Little League Board of Directors recognizes and adheres to a “Zero Tolerance” policy in matters of conduct. Obscene or foul language or gestures from players, fans, coaches or managers will not be tolerated. Adults are reminded that we are the role models for all LLL players. We encourage positive feedback from our managers, coaches and spectators. Disparaging remarks or verbal abuse directed at managers, coaches, umpires, Board members, volunteers, parents and especially players will not be tolerated. Inappropriate touching and/or handling of players by managers or coaches will not be condoned by the league. Any incident will be brought before the LLL President and the LLL Disciplinary Committee.
Managers and coaches who come to practice or games under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be sent home and their position in the League reviewed. Use of tobacco by managers or coaches on (or near) the playing field or dugout during their regularly scheduled practice sessions or games is prohibited. Failure to meet these requirements may lead to dismissal from their role in Little League.
Section 4: PARENTS

Attend your child’s games

Be a supportive parent for the manager and team

Communicate with the manager only in appropriate ways

Cheer for all players on both teams

Be a positive role model

Be there for your child whether successful or struggling for success

Respect and support league volunteers and be prepared to “pitch in” when asked

Understand that the game is difficult to learn and play

Look for opportunities to work your child on the basic skills of the game

Be positive and be supportive whether your team wins or loses

Be a model of good sportsmanship

Never use negative comments towards the players from either team

Respect the umpire’s decisions. Refrain from making the umpire’s job more difficult than it already is. Be willing to forgive the bad call, the inconsistent strike zone, or the muffed rule. There are no experts in a volunteer Little League organization.

Come and enjoy the games. Help us make this fun for all the players on all teams.

Allow the managers to run the team. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS.

Please discuss any concerns that you have with the manager after the game and away from the team’s players.

Set a good example for our players. Don’t yell at our umpires or opposing players.

Volunteer to help us make this a positive experience for your child.

There are many small and/or one-time jobs that need to be done both during the season and during the off-season.
Section 5: PARK RULES

The following actions are cause for ejection from the park: the use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, fighting or harassment, use of tobacco on (or near) the playing fields or dugouts, the use of profanity or abusive language.

Safety is our primary concern. We therefore prohibit the following: climbing of trees, bleachers or fences, using skateboards, skates, scooters or bikes within the common area of the park, hitting balls into fences or throwing or batting balls in the common area. Warm-up areas are provided for uniformed players and coaches only.

No food of any kind is allowed in the dugout. Players can drink water or sport drinks in the dugout if they are in plastic containers or coolers.

Each team is responsible for picking up trash in the dugout after each game.

Please do not smoke while sitting in the bleachers.

If there are no Little League games scheduled on a given Sunday, the fields can be used for practices on a first come, first served basis.

The Officer of the Day, in combination with county employees, is the only one who can call off scheduled games due to rain.

The Laconia Little League concession stand is a major source of revenue that we count on heavily to support our program. We are a non-profit organization and our registration fees alone do not cover our expenses. The volunteer spirit of the adult members of this league provides the manpower for the concession stand’s daily operations.

The scheduling of volunteers should be handled in advance and communicated to the Concession Director in a timely fashion. Failure to have the proper concession coverage/volunteers may result in the concession stand needing to be closed until coverage is provided.
Local rules are in addition to, or modification of, regular Little League rules. These changes reflect the playing rules, conduct, safety procedures, post-season play, and other management issues pertaining solely to the Laconia Little League.
All players must wear consistent uniforms provided by the League. No uniforms, other than those supplied by the League, are acceptable. While on the field, all batters, runners and player base coaches must wear an approved Little League batting helmet. Batting helmets with face masks are strongly recommended for the T-Ball through Minors Divisions.
Players may not wear jewelry, rubber wristbands, watches or earrings, the only exceptions being medical or religious items. All players should wear tennis shoes or cleats; no metal cleats are allowed. Catchers must wear a mask with neck protector, protective cup, helmet, catcher’s mitt, and chest protector whenever behind home plate, including infield warm up before games. Only players wearing an approved Little League helmet and catcher’s mask can warm up pitchers in between innings.
Bats must meet Little League specifications and standards.
LLL will provide paid umpires for Minors and Majors Division games. We ask that our Managers, coaches, players and parents treat these umpires with respect. There will be an evaluation form available to the managers to help us maintain a quality umpiring staff.
Section 7: FIELDS
The County may prepare the fields for the first game of the day. If not, it is the responsibility of the home team. It is the responsibility of the home team to line and rake the field. Each team has the option of using the field for warm-ups for 10 minutes prior to the game (time
permitting). Please remind all players that digging holes on our LLL fields is prohibited as they may cause injury to other players.
LLL utilizes Opechee Park for all locally hosted games for T-Ball through Minors. Colby Field at Opechee Park is used for Majors division games. Periodically, LLL will play in a Home/Home with Tilton Northfield Little League and Gilford Cal Ripken.
Section 8: RAINOUTS
The LLL Board will do their best to inform the membership of any cancelled practices or games due to weather conditions. Unfortunately, many times a decision on canceling games cannot be made until the weather runs its course. The Board will follow this procedure in determining a cancellation and notifying the membership:

Only two entities can determine a cancelled game due to weather or field conditions; county officials or a director from the LLL Board. Managers canceling their games without proper authorization will be subject to a game forfeiture.

When practices or games are cancelled due to weather or field conditions, a Director from the Board will announce the cancellation via an internet email. Parents should assume the game or practice is still being held until they receive an email indicating otherwise.

The Director from the Board will then notify the Officer of the Day, the Director of Umpires, and the Concession Director.

If games or practices are cancelled, no one will be permitted to practice at the LLL facility.

Practices will not be rescheduled due to weather conditions. Teams may make up their practices at an off-site facility with proper Board permission.

Games for competitive divisions will be rescheduled on the next available date/field open in the sequence in which they were cancelled.

The Player Agent for the competitive divisions will supervise make-up games and umpires will be coordinated through the Director of Umpires.

The league will do its best to ensure that the concession stand will be open for make-up games.

All make-up games rescheduled for weekday evenings will begin at 6:30 PM.

Make-up games rescheduled for Sundays will begin at 1:00 PM and multiple games will run consecutively and immediately following that game. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Time limits for each of our divisions are listed below. The Little League rulebook will be used to determine the proper handling of suspended and tie games.

T-BALL & INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL: A one-hour fifteen-minute time limit will be used for all games. The game ends regardless of the number of innings completed.

MINORS: A one-hour thirty-minute time limit will be used for all games. The game ends regardless of the number of innings completed.

BASEBALL MAJORS: A two-hour time limit will be used for all games. The game ends regardless of the number of innings completed.

T-BALL AND INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION: All players should be used in the field. Standard infield baseball positions will be used (including the pitcher position) with extra players used in the outfield. Managers must rotate infielders and outfields every inning.

MINORS DIVISION: A maximum of ten (10) players can be used in the field. If ten (10) players are used, four (4) must be in the outfield. To accelerate the learning process, players should be rotated to play in several positions.

MAJORS DIVISION: The Little League rulebook applies.

T-BALL AND INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION: Each player shall play the entire game.

MINORS DIVISION: All players will be in the batting order. To standardize defensive playing time for all teams, no player can sit out two times before every player on that team has sat out one inning.

MAJORS DIVISION: The Little League rulebook applies.
The home team is responsible for providing the official scorekeeper and scoreboard keeper. The visiting team will be required to provide a parent who will track pitch counts. The official scorebooks are kept in the press box.
Little League has instituted a pitch count system to protect our children’s pitching arms. The following rules will apply:
6, 7 & 8 50 PITCHES PER DAY
If the pitcher reaches his/her limit of pitches per day while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until that batter reaches base or is put out.
The official scorer will document pitch counts per inning in the official scorebook. It is the manager’s responsibility to check official pitch counts at the end of each inning.
The Information Director will keep records of the game scores and of team standings. These records will be used to determine final team standings.
Managers and coaches are expected to do their best to prevent very lopsided scoring games.
T-BALL DIVISION: The players will use a tee when batting. All players in uniform will bat each inning in a continuous order regardless of the number of outs made. Last Batter Rule: An inning will end when the last batter of the inning gets a fair hit and the base runners cross home plate. All players will be given a defensive position each inning. The defensive positions shall include only five infielders. All players must rotate defensive positions each inning. Runners will only advance one base on a hit ball. The position of catcher will be eliminated for safety reasons. No official score will be kept for this division.
BASEBALL INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION: This will be a coach pitch division where each coach will pitch to his/her own team. The coach should stand where he/she feels the batter has the best chance of hitting the ball. Each player will receive a maximum of six (6) pitches from the coach. A tee will be used if the player does not hit the ball into fair territory after six pitches. There will be no walks but strikeouts are allowed. Players will be removed from the bases if an out occurs. To speed up the game, it is advised to have an additional coach behind the catcher to retrieve wild pitches. All players must play a minimum of three defensive outs in the infield each game. A maximum of 5 runs may be scored in any one inning by each team. If this should occur, the inning is called immediately and the batter at the plate will lead off the next inning.
BASEBALL MINORS DIVISIONS AND ABOVE: These divisions are all considered competitive and will, therefore, play according to the Little League Regular season rules. We will be using continuous batting orders.
The Little League batting rules are specified in Little League Baseball/Softball Rules & Regulations Section 7.00. In past years, there has been some confusion as to when the ball is “dead” and when the runners must return to their bases. The following rules shall be enforced in all the divisions (Minors level and above).
BASEBALL LITTLE LEAGUE RULEBOOK (SEC 7.13) – When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate, and in possession of the ball, and the catcher is in the catcher’s box and ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall return to their bases and not lead off until the pitch is delivered and the ball reaches the batter.
T-BALL & INSTRUCTIONAL BASEBALL: No stealing permitted. Runners must stop advancing once the ball enters the infield (i.e. crosses the base path), any runner over halfway to the next base when the ball enters the infield, may continue to that base.
BASEBALL MINORS DIVISION: Base runners may advance one base on an overthrow to first base. Base runners may not advance once the ball is in possession of an infielder or pitcher positioned in front of the lead runner.
BASEBALL MAJOR DIVISIONS: No lead off is permitted. The runner may steal only after the ball has crossed home plate. Headfirst sliding is not allowed. Runners trying to score must attempt to avoid contact with the catcher. Defensive players covering home plate after a wild pitch or passed ball must have the ball in their possession before blocking home plate.
T-BALL, INSTRUCTIONAL & MINOR DIVISIONS: It is the intention of the LLL Board of Directors to have the children in our noncompetitive divisions play all of the games listed on the schedule. Therefore, there will be no forfeits of games due to teams having too few players. If a team cannot field ten players on the date and time of the scheduled game, the game will be played with the available players.
BASEBALL MAJOR DIVISION: A 15-minute grace period will be granted for the start of the game if a team cannot field nine (9) players. After 15 minutes from the official start time, a forfeit will occur. The winning team will be awarded a win, but the game should be played as a “practice” game with available players. An incomplete or delayed game must be played on the next available date (Sunday included). The only acceptable reasons for rescheduling a game is for school or church functions and those reasons are only valid if the manager cannot field a nine-player team. A 72- hour notification to the League President is required to reschedule games.
Protests are described in the Little League Baseball Rules and Regulations. The umpire and manager are encouraged to resolve the protest immediately.
T-BALL, INSTRUCTIONAL, AND MINORS DIVISIONS: Formal protests are NOT allowed; Protests must be resolved on the field at the time of play. The managers are encouraged to resolve the disagreements immediately. If necessary, the Officer of the Day will make the final decision regarding a dispute. Letters describing an ongoing problem should be submitted to the League President with copies to the Player Agent.
MAJOR DIVISION: If a formal protest is lodged, the protesting manager should request that the official scorekeeper enter the time, inning, team at bat and number of outs at the time of the protest on the official score sheet. The game is to continue “under protest” and the protesting manager must submit a written description of the play and the basis of the protest to the League President, or his/her designate, within 24 hours of completion of the game. The opposition manager and the home plate umpire must submit rebuttal letters regarding the protest within 24 hours of notification by the League President that the written protest has been received. The Umpire-in-Chief, the Player Agent, the League President and other designated LLL Board members will resolve the protest.
Sportsmanship is one of the most important lessons we teach to our children. Improper on
field conduct by our managers, coaches, players, parents, or spectators will not be condoned. As a
general rule, the LLL Board will have a zero-tolerance policy towards rule violations. Any violation of Little League or LLL Park Rules, as witnessed and documented by others, will be subject to the following penalties:
MINOR INFRACTIONS: including but not limited to the use of profanity or the abuse of equipment (i.e. throwing batting helmets or bats in anger) or park facilities (i.e. intentionally damaging fences (soft toss), restrooms, batting cages, dugouts, bleachers, tools, etc.) PENALTIES ARE AS FOLLOWS:

PLAYERS: The player will be ejected from the game. The player will sit in the stands, in uniform, for the next game or until the penalty has been served.

MANAGERS/COACHES: The person will be ejected from the park. He/she must meet with the LLL Board’s disciplinary committee before they can return to their team.

ADULT SPECTATOR: The person will be ejected from the park.
PLAYERS, MANAGERS OR COACHES: Referred to the LLL Board’s disciplinary committee. Permanent expulsion from Little League is possible.
MAJOR INFRACTIONS: including but not limited to physical contact with umpires or opposing players, abusive behavior, etc. PENALTIES ARE AS FOLLOWS:

PLAYERS: The player will be ejected from the game. The player will sit in the stands, in uniform, until the penalty determined by the LLL Board’s disciplinary committee has been served. Permanent expulsion is possible.

MANAGERS/COACHES: The manager/coach is ejected from the park. Referred to the LLL Board’s disciplinary committee. Permanent expulsion from Little League is possible.

ADULT SPECTATOR: Ejected from the park and Referred to the Laconia Police Department.
Ejections from Little League games are rare and should be handled in a serious manner. It is the responsibility of the Director in Charge and the Umpire in charge to document, on an incident report, the circumstances surrounding the ejection. These reports will be used by the disciplinary committee to determine the severity of the offense and the appropriate punishment.
All players will be assigned/drafted onto teams after player registration each year. The player pool will consist of all players who are eligible as defined by the rules developed by the LLL Board of Directors. The President, with input from the Player Agent, will determine the number of teams per division and number of players per team. (Player applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. The LLL Board of Directors will establish a deadline for registration. The online registration process will be set up to close registrations at the deadline but will continue accepting “wait list” applicants based on registration date.)
Players requesting to play in the Minors Division or higher will attend the tryout of their choice.
Players need to attend a try-out before they can be drafted onto a team. A player who does not attend a try-out will be considered a “hand-out” at draft time and will be randomly assigned to a minors division team, beginning with the team with the next draft pick.
Minors Division
Teams will be drafted new every year. The draft order will be selected by picking numbers out of a hat. The “snake” selection system will be used for all re-drafts.
Majors Division
Majors players, once drafted, remain on their team until they leave LLL. Each year the draft order is determined by the finishing order of the previous year. The lowest seed has first pick, followed by the next lowest. The “snake” selection system will be used until all teams have the required number of players.
The Manager of a team may protect his/her child during the draft. That manager has until the 4th round to select their child. They are unprotected once the 5th round has been reached. If the manager so chooses, this option for their son/daughter may be waived. In this case, the player would be available to the other teams following the round of protection.
Players refusing to play on the team that they were drafted will be removed from all league rosters and refunded their registration fees.
If a player is injured, moves from the area, or cannot continue playing for a valid reason (determined by the Player Agent), the team will be assigned a replacement player as follows:

ALL DIVISIONS: The team that is missing a player will be assigned the next available player from the wait list based on registration date and the age of the player.

No replacement players will be assigned to teams within the final two weeks of the season.

If a player misses two consecutive scheduled games without notification, the manager must notify the Player Agent within 24 hours from the completion of the second game. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disciplinary actions.

Managers must go to a Player Agent for a pool player

Managers cannot get pool players on their own

Notifications must be at least 24 hours in advance- no exceptions

Maximum of 3 pool players bringing your total of players to 9 for the game

If your teams 9th player shows up then your assigned pool player is still required to play the game.

Both managers will be notified of the pool player prior to the game by email

If you were not notified that a pool player is being utilized for your game please notify Officer of the Day immediately

If we have exhausted all pool players then it will result in a forfeit
Player Agent Procedures:

Type the list according to the date and time of being turned into director on duty.

Player Agent will not disclose the team name to the parents or player only the date, time and which dugout to report to for the game

Keep list confidential

Player Agent will track who was contacted and who has accepted to pool play in the games
T-BALL & INSTRUCTIONAL Divisions: There will be no designated division champion.
BASEBALL MINOR & MAJOR LEAGUE: Standings will be kept for all regular season games. A tournament will be held at the conclusion of the regular season to determine the division championship. Team seeding will be assigned according to league standings. Ties will be resolved by a coin flip to determine final seeding. All tournament games will be played without time limits and using the Little League Tournament Rules. The continuous batting rule will not apply during the Tournament. Regular season pitch count & rest rules will be in effect during our tournaments.
A team’s regular season record shall be determined by the games played with other LLL teams within their division. Interleague games played with neighboring communities will not be counted for the divisional standings.
Disciplinary action may be commenced against any person involved in the Laconia Little League program, including, but not limited to LLL officers, directors, umpires, managers, coaches, parents, players and those attending Little League Baseball or Softball games and/or functions. Activities that may be subject to disciplinary action shall include any violation of any Little League rules or regulations, any LLL local league rule or policy, or any park rule or policy. Any activity or conduct unbecoming of an individual who is in any way involved in LLL may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Complaints as to improper conduct should be documented (in writing), signed, and handed to the president of the league (or his/her designate). THE PRESIDENT WILL NOT TAKE ANY DISCIPLINARY ACTION UNLESS THERE IS A FORMAL, WRITTEN COMPLAINT. The president
shall call a meeting of the LLL Disciplinary Committee to determine if the complaint is legitimate and if a disciplinary hearing is appropriate. If a member of the LLL Disciplinary Committee is the complainant, that person shall not be present at this initial determination phase.
When the Disciplinary Committee makes a determination on whether there is reasonable cause as to the validity of the complaint, the committee chair shall provide written notice to the complainant and the alleged violator stating the substance of the charge and shall request that both parties attend a hearing. The written notice shall state that failure of either party to appear at this meeting will constitute default and such default shall allow the Disciplinary Committee to
take appropriate actions. The decision of the committee shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal.
The All Star Manager will be selected from the list of regular season managers for each division. MANAGERS WHO HAVE BEEN DISCIPLINED BY THE LEAGUE MAY BE DISQUALIFIED FROM
MANAGING AN ALLSTAR TEAM. Managers/coaches are presented by the league President and approved by the Board of Directors. For district coaches, preference and first right of refusal may be awarded to the coach of first place major’s team. This person will have the option to select from 12U or 10U. The same logic will be applied to 10U coach. 9U coach, first right of refusal goes to minor’s team coach who finishes season in first place. All coaches (12U/10U/9U) are subject to board approval and the first right of refusal does not guarantee position.
If that person cannot accept this position, the next person recommended will be contacted. It is recommended that the regular season managers be considered for All Star coaches. A Manager will only be considered if he/she is willing to manage the team if their child is not selected.
PLAYER SELECTION (12U District Team)

Players are eligible for all-star teams if they have participated in at least 60% of the team’s regularly scheduled games since they were added to the roster
▪ The Player Agent (or the designate) will organize the balloting (no evaluations are required, however, a player may request one if they so choose) and will maintain team rosters, including alternates. If after selection, a player is unable to participate, the first alternate will be assigned to the team. At no time shall any player know how they were selected to the all-star team, nor should they know how many votes that they received. ▪ All majors divisions coach’s will be required to vote for eligible players. (Coach’s may not vote for players on their own team)

Each manager’s vote will count as one point. The total point count will serve to determine the players on the All-Star team roster. Ties will go to the player(s) with the highest number of Manager votes. If after all ties have been exercised, the player with the highest number of kid votes will be appointed to the team. The All-Star manager will not be able to substitute players.
• (The top 8 players with the most points are automatically selected onto the team. The remaining players may be selected at coach discretion, with input from other coaches, board members, etc)

The Tally Committee will identify two alternates. The Tally Committee will not divulge the names of the alternates. If after selection, a player is unable to participate, the first alternate will be assigned to the team. At no time shall any player know how they were selected to the all-star team, nor should they know how many votes that they received. Player Selection: 12U Tournament Team (When applicable)
• Process is same as above
• League will allow for a player to play who is selected and available for one tournament and not the other
• In the event a team (tournament or district) has a player that can play in one and not the other, a new player for said team may be added, following the criteria above Player Selection: 10U District Team
• (Players are selected by coach in lieu of a group evaluation)
Laconia All Star teams will be comprised as follows (as Little League dictates based on League registration numbers):
There will be one 8/9/10 Baseball Team comprised of the 8, 9 and 10 year old players from the Minors and Majors Divisions. The Minors managers will hold tryouts and select an All-Star team.
There will be one 10/11/12 Baseball Major Division All Star team comprised of all 10, 11 and 12 year old players who played the minimum number of games during the regular season.
Section 9: SAFETY
The manager is responsible for reporting all injuries to the Officer of the Day. Injuries to players, managers, coaches or umpires are to be documented immediately on the accident forms located in the concession stand. The documentation should include the time, place and circumstances at the time of the injury. Any injured player missing 2 consecutive games must be reported to the player agent within 24 hours following the second missed game.
When a player misses more than seven (7) continuous days of participation for an illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must give written permission for a return to full baseball/softball activity